Thursday, October 24, 2013

Meet A 91 Year-Old man Who Drinks His Own Urine Everyday- Says He Looks 10 Years Younger

Some say drinking your urine is medicinal. I remember the first time I drank my urine(taste awful)when I was having an eye infection and to my surprise after I drank it, the infection went away the next day(can't say if it was because of the urine I drank). Some say it works while some say it doesn't. Now this another story of a man who drinks his own URINE and says it’s helped him reach the grand age of 91 (but look 10 years younger)
Mark Ambrose takes a tumbler of his urine everyday and even nabs it on his wounds, he believes it helps to cure many infection. He came across this through internet research while looking for a back pain cure. His 87 year-old girlfriend Joyce says  the practice is 'repugnant' Practice of drinking urine.
He said:
 'I have a badly damaged spine and she suffers from macular disease, knees that really need replacements and other complaints normally associated with elderly people. 'Nonetheless, we lead a very active life with friends saying I look a lot less than my age, and my partner possessing remarkable energy and looking no more than 65-70 years of age.'
'As far I'm concerned, I am convinced that urine therapy, which I started practicing over three years ago, is mainly responsible for my younger appearance.
 He explained: 'I'd already undergone three lumber operations in the UK and in Spain with the specialists admitting they could do nothing more for me apart from trying out different painkilling medicines.

Mr Ambrose he decided to adopt the trial and error approach. He recalls: 'Taking a small sample in a small glass – easier for a male than a female, I guess – I gingerly tasted the perfectly clear, amber-coloured liquid. 'Not too bad, I thought - a peculiar taste, nothing like anything I’ve had before. Not pleasant, but on the other hand, not too awful.' Determined to continue, over the next few days he kept tasting his urine until he was brave enough to drink some
but on the other hand, not too awful' Starting with just a sip, he began drinking a little almost every time he went to the loo, gradually increasing the amount as the weeks went by, building up to a tumbler. And the secret to it not leaving a nasty after-taste? A grape or two, or a quick rinse of the mouth with water,' he confesses.
Mr Ambrose can't convince partner Joyce to join his quest for eternal youth 'The rest of my body is in pretty good shape, with many friends and even strangers remarking how well I look.' 'I think I look and feel about ten years younger than my age. I possess a Spanish driving licence up to 2014, I do all the cooking, I belong to a bridge club which I helped to start 20 years ago; and I’m learning to play the piano whenever I can because I never had the chance when I was younger. 'The morning can’t come quickly enough for me and I often get up early and do some brain train work on the computer, then cheerfully wake up my partner with her morning cup of tea. 'Because I can memorise the words of almost a 100 songs, Joyce encourages me to sing two or three of them before getting up and making the bed. 'This is an excellent therapy for me and I’m then ready to make the most of the remainder of the day.' He thoroughly believes that drinking urine is responsible for much of this well-being attitude.
But while Joyce is impressed with the fruits of his efforts, he says she 'finds it impossible to overcome her feelings of repugnance at the very thought of drinking her own urine'. 'She has resisted all my attempts to persuade her to try the urine therapy

 Urine therapy is said to date back to the Bible. Historical documents suggest that the Aztecs disinfected wounds with it, while the benefits are also mentioned in Indian and Chinese literature. Urine is highly sterile, consisting of 95 per cent water and five per cent nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals.
During the digestive process, the liver deals with toxins and removes them to be excreted. The blood then goes to the kidneys where it is filtered again and extraneous components the body no longer needs are collected in a sterile solution which is then passed as urine. But GP Dr Rob Hicks said: 'Over the years many people have claimed health benefits from drinking their own urine, but as far as I'm aware there is no scientific evidence to back-up these claims. 'The kidneys are an efficient filtering system getting rid of what the body doesn't need, so to put this back into the body seems counter-productive. 'Personally, I believe there are better - and more palatable - ways to keep the body healthy including not smoking, eating a healthy diet, and keeping stress under control.'

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