Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Favorite Bloggers Of The Year

Even though we have so many blogs all over the web, not withstanding there are still bloggers i show respect and enjoy reading from their blogs. I know you will ask if we steal news from each other, sure we do that is why you see one information in so many blogs but the annoying thing is that some bloggers don't know how to make their story sound interesting.

Stella Dimoko Korkus is one of my favorite blogger and I enjoy reading her stories because they are so educative and funny. Remember whenever I say one of my favorite blog, just have it in mind i am talking about Stella's blog. When it comes to yabbing bring it on to her, she is equal to it.

Another blog I also enjoy reading is Laila's blog although i don't have any of her picture I just love her humble spirit of always explaining when she is attacked by fans or other bloggers (funny)....

Kemi Filani's blog is also one blog I love for its love stories about couples and their first time together, it's motivating you know to read stories of young couples before they got married. 
Every blogger has it's own motive behind their blogging, and that is what differentiate one from other blogs.

Still looking into other blogs to find the main root of their blog and this is what i will be into in 2014, because learning from the good ones makes you stand out from others.


Unknown said...

Yeah, i read her blog too (stella) she is so funy esp. her sunday laughs...will check others out too

Anonymous said...

Yea they are also the best 3 blogs i read and also Linda ikeji and ladun liadi's blog

Anonymous said...

Stella's blog is more matured than Linda ikeji's blog. I love the contents of her blog, I haven't checked out on Laila's blog. yea too many bloggers these days don't even know where to start from but anyway it's good if that will keep many people out from the Streets.