Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year To All KIBers, It's 2014!!

Yeah we all made it to 2014 and I must say congratulations!.....To all my readers I say a big happy new year to you all and hope this year will bring greater things to our lives.
Rome was not built in one day and so am I hoping that this year will bring all our hard works into perfection.
Make use of the best you have and leave the rest for God. To all my fellow bloggers, I wish 2014 brings us endless smiles.
As I earlier said Last year, this year i will be giving out N15k to three of my best commenters at the end of the year, if i am not in the country, I will send it through western Union, it's just a way to say thank you.

And this year, there are more things you will be seeing on my blog, like Christain topics on sundays(stil working to get someone to do that for me) and there will be room for people who want to display or advertise their products and it is all for free. If you have things or birthdays to showcase just send it to my email,
I hope you had a wonderful cross over?, well I did 'cos fireworks are still going on right now. I hope to continue my blogging on 2nd of Jan so spend time with people you love.

Happy new year!!,
Feliz año nuevo!!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar !!
glückliches neues Jahr!!
Buon anno!!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you kamify

Unknown said...

happy new year to you kamify