Saturday, April 5, 2014

12 Years Of Slave Is A Film To Watch!

This movie is something to watch, because it somehow retrieves us(the blacks) from how the journey of freedom from the white all started. If you have watched the movie"The Roots" it was kind of similar but has it's own different story line. I kind of understand why Brad Pitt didn't play much role in beating the slaves because he has two adopted black children so playing such for him might not work out well with his children. As for Lupita, that babe is a GOOD actress, she played her role so well as Patsey. Tears couldn't just stop rolling off my eyes as I watched this movie.

A break down of the movie: 

Solomon Northup played by Chiwetel Ejiofor was kidnapped and sold out to slavery by his white friends after he had regained his freedom. His name was forced to change his name, and claim he can neither read nor write unless he wants to die. He was later bought by a wicked master who hates and punish him all the time. His master's wife hated Lupita who played the role of Patsey because she felt her husband was sleeping with her, She punishes her, throw things at her at her slightest anger(the beating and flogging was just too much). Chiwetel worked with his wicked master for 12 years he really wanted to escape but each time he tried, he failed.

Finally he met Brad Pitt who played the role of Bass. He hated the word slavery, he believes everyone is equal. Chiwetel was sent to work for Brad who after seeing the way he tried to protect the "Niggas" tried to beg him to help him regain his freedom. Finally Brad helped him to regain his freedom and sent him back to his family who he left. On getting home, he found out that his little daughter of then was all grown and married with a child, his little boy was already a grown man, then he cried, realizing how long he had being into slavery....12 whole years of his life. The movie ended there.

I couldn't just explain the whole movie but in case you like to watch the movie just leave your e-mail on the comment box and I will send it to you.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

The movie sounds interesting pls send me the movie at