Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Teaching: How To Start Introducing Your Children To Christ

Have you ever given any thought about how you will reach your kids for Christ?,or how are you going to show them that the Christian life is the way to go?. You know what the Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).

 It sounds like it may be an easy thing to do. Just send your kids to church and their teachers will teach them about God. But the truth of the matter is that reaching your kids for Christ can be a difficult thing to do. If it were easy, then there would be less young adults departing from the faith and abandoning their Christian walks. And to make things ever more complicated, you’re probably not sure about what tell your kids is the reason about why they should become Christ followers?

 Are you going to ask them if they should make Jesus their forever friend? Or how are you going to explain to them the concept of sin? After all, maybe they are too young to understand. Fortunately, there is a solution that you can start doing right now.

The Answer to the Problem of How to Reach Your Kids For Christ 

 The short answer is, tell stories. That’s right, tell stories from the Bible and do it without reading the actual pages. Do it from memory and make it fun. Don't just let your children stay glued on TV and computers before they fall asleep. Let their last memory before bed be the bible stories you read to them. I remember my mother telling me stories from the Bible as early as when I was five years old. she would tells us about David and Goliath, Samuel, and many other Bible stories(I still have my bible book of with the yellow cover).

But What if You’re Not a Story Teller?

 Most of us are story tellers and we can get better at telling stories if we’ll just practice. But, if you are absolutely stuck and you’re absolutely convinced that you’re not going to tell Bible stories to your kids, then here’s the next best thing. Read to them. Read to them Bible stories in an engaging and colorful way and you can be sure that they will stick.
Instead of just buying them toys you can buy for them more bible story books with colours, you know children are attracted to colorful stories. And secondly reading them stories before bed time gets you closer to your children when it becomes a habit. If you live abroad, here is the number one bestseller on Amazon in the Children’s Christian Books department. It’s called the Jesus Storybook Bible

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