Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Gets Into Fight At Nightclub

 Oscar Pistorius who is still currently on trial accused of murdering his girlfriend,got into a fight in a night club after racing driver Jared Mortimer confronted him about his on-going murder trail.
The 27-year-old athlete's spokeswoman confirmed the incident took place but insisted Pistorius had been sitting quietly in the VIP section of the club, when he was approached.

 “We can confirm that Oscar was at the said venue with one of his cousins. They sat in a quiet booth in the VIP section when they were approached by an individual who has now been identified as a Mr. Mortimer,” said Burgess. “The individual, according to my client, started to aggressively interrogate him on matters relating to the trial,” Burgess added. “An argument ensued during which my client asked to be left alone. Oscar soon thereafter left the club with his cousin. My client regrets the decision to go to a public space and thereby inviting unwelcome attention.”

Meanwhile, Mortimer told his own part of the story on The Juice Website, he said  that a friend introduced him to Pistorius, who then launched into a tirade, telling him how he had been "screwed over" by Mortimer's friends. He kept on talking about people who had turned against him, including Danny Fresco who gave evidence against Pistorius at his trial.

"We were drinking tequila and I still remember putting down my drink and thinking I couldn't drink it while my friends were being spoken of like that," he said.

 He said at some point the sprinter known as the "Blade Runner" got aggressive and started poking him in the chest.

 "He was close to my face and at that point I pushed him to get him away from me," he said. "A chair was behind his legs and he fell to the ground."

 The curtains of the VIP area of the club in Sandton, a wealthy suburb north of Johannesburg, were drawn so that nobody could see Pistorius was there.
 "A little bit later he had a confrontation with another man and the bouncers were asked to please remove him because he was causing trouble," Mortimer said.

Another patron who saw Pistorius at the club told the daily that the athlete was "flat-out drunk". "He came up to us and pulled zap signs in our faces. That's when I realised it was Pistorius." said the unnamed witness.

Pistorius' murder trial is currently adjourned until Aug. 7 after the defense closed its case last week.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

He hasn't learnt a lesson at all~Jady