Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are Things Falling Apart For Beverly Osu And Angelo? + Friends Lashes Out On Angelo's South African Girlfriend On Twitter

From the look of things, Beverly and Angelo relationship seems to be falling apart. On 15th Oct Beverly posted a message on twitter which Angelo responded to, and from Angelo's tweet it sounds like Beverly is pushing too hard on him.
Check out their tweets below:

And another information is that Angelo must have gone back or trying to get back to his South African girlfriend Candice Arends which  Beverly isn't taking likely. Rumor has it(like Adele's song)  that Angelo proposed to his South African girlfriend Candies but this isn't true.Angelo gave Candice a promise ring before he went for the BBA .
More gist below...
Just to get back on Beverly, she posted the picture of the ring to spice up things.
Check out the picture below...

Lol! some babes reacted on her posting the picture of an engagement ring online.Check out their reaction on twitter over the ring post online.

Things are really getting complicated for this dude!Who gives a girl a promise ring to go screw another babe on a live show? This is just too complicated for Beverly.
 Good nite folks.

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