Tuesday, October 22, 2013

He Told Me He Loved Fat Curves' - Only For Him To Cheat On Me With EIGHT Slim Women

 changing who we are  to impress people we love sometimes could be a dilemma that might  haunt us for life if we do not show them to accept who we are especially when it comes to a relationship where we have to change just to impress our partners. The story of this young woman might either make you retrieve a step backwards or continue to sit in ignorance of love that cannot be returned.
  Cassie Payne a  26-year-old girl, was a size 12 when she met her ex.  During their four-year relationship, her weight rose to size 24 because he told her he liked curvy women so she thought 'the bigger the better' . She ate takeaways and snacked on crisps, chocolate and biscuits only to find out her man had been seeing eight other women.
She was shocked to discover they were all slim They split up and she went on a diet Now is back to  a size 8.
Cassie's Full Story:

Cassie weighed 10st 7lbs when she first met her ex - who we cannot name - through friends. The couple would enjoy having nights in together eating takeaways four times a week. As Cassie's waistline began to expand, she expressed concern over their unhealthy diet but he would tell her not to worry about her size. She said:
'My mum gently suggested I should lose some weight but when I told my boyfriend he assured me I looked great and not to worry. 'He was always saying that celebrities had got it so wrong because men hated really skinny girls and loved real curves. When I put on weight he told me I looked sexier so I got the impression that it was the bigger the better.'
Getting interesting?. Read more and see her recent picture...


'I had spent the past four years eating everything thinking that he adored my curvy body when all the time he was slowly going off me' After they had been together four years, she had ballooned to a size 24 and 17st. 'I knew I was obese but told myself that as long as my partner fancied me, what did it matter?

We were happy so I didn't need to worry what other people thought,' Cassie said. But then her happiness was shattered when she got a call from a friend warning her that her man was cheating. 'I confronted him and he told me it was utter rubbish. I believed him and told my friend not to call me again,' she said. But as time passed Cassie began to grow suspicious.

She said: 'He was going out on his own and started switching his phone off. I noticed he said his battery was dead quite a lot which seemed odd.' After he started receiving texts in the middle of the night, Cassie decided to check his phone. 'I decided to do a bit of snooping to put my mind at rest and logged onto his Facebook page. I scrolled through the timeline and there was a photo of my boyfriend which had been tagged 'my baby' by a woman I didn't know.

I posted a comment saying "Who's baby?" Minutes later she received a private message from the woman asking Cassie how she knew him. When Cassie replied that he was her long-term boyfriend, she was shocked when the woman replied saying she was his girlfriend too.
At first she didn't want to believe it: 'I convinced myself she was lying and just jealous because she fancied him.' 'I was angry with him, but I was angry with myself too. I had left myself go and I vowed to lose the weight' But then she found eight Facebook messages from different women all claiming to be dating her boyfriend.
She confronted her man and was appalled when he admitted he had been cheating. But she was even more shocked when she looked at the profile pictures of the women he had seen behind her back. 'I wanted to know why he had cheated. I expected them all to be big girls like me because that was his thing. But they were all skinny minnies. It didn't make sense,' she said.

I was angry with him, but I was angry with myself too. I had left myself go and I vowed to lose the weight.' Cassie joined a gym and overhauled her diet. She said:

Using revenge against her ex as her motivation, she stuck with her diet and exercise regime and the weight began to fall off until she was a slim size 8, weighing nine stone.
'My confidence started to grow. I noticed other men seemed interested in me and stopped thinking about my ex so much,' she said. But then she bumped into him at a party and had the chance to show him what he was missing. 'He was staring at me and I noticed he was looking me up and down. But it wasn't until our eyes met that he looked shocked and it twigged it was me.' 'He walked over and I laughed and said to him "you didn't recognize me did you?" He admitted he hadn't and told me I looked amazing. 'He asked me if I fancied going out some time. Once I would have done anything to hear those words but I suddenly realised I just didn't care anymore. 'I said "no thanks" and walked away. Knowing his eyes were on my size eight bum as I walked off was the best feeling in the world. I haven’t seen him since and have no desire to. 'But if he does read this I would like to thank him for cheating on me. It was the best thing he ever did for me because I have honestly never been happier.'

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