Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More Sagas From The Kardashians: The Kardashians Lawsuit Against Their Late Father's Wife Has Been Denied!

The Kardashians filed a lawsuit against their ex-stepmother, Ellen Kardashian. They (the kardashians)  were asking for $500,000 in damages against their father's widow, claiming Ellen licensed their belongings to a magazine. According to Radar, the family suffered a setback as it was revealed that a judge rejected their attempts to recoup $50,000 in legal fees.                           
Ellen was married to their father for two months before he passed away in 2003.


The first family of reality television fired back alleging that Ellen’s camp “engaged in a calculated effort to avoid and failed and refused to engage in, the requisite meet and confer efforts” — as ordered by the court — before filing a counterclaim lawsuit against her one-time family. She ultimately filed a defamation lawsuit against the Kardashians in a state court.
The lawyers say Ellen’s legal team’s conduct caused the Kardashians to “incur significant litigation fees that could have otherwise been avoided,” and were seeking a whopping $50,000 in sanctions against Ellen.

In a written ruling obtained exclusively by Radar, U.S. Chief District Judge George King denied the Kardashian’s request and said, “We have considered the Parties’ briefing in support of this motion. The Motion is DENIED.“

Oops! money for Botox, DENIED!

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