Sunday, October 20, 2013

Photos: A 33-Year-old Bieber Fanatic Spends $100k Of Plastic Surgery To Look Like Justin Bieber

This is really not funny 'cos I call it madness in its highest order. 33 years old Toby Sheldon  has spent five years and $100,000 just to look like his hero - teenaged pop idol Justin Bieber.

Toby Sheldon is a songwriter from Los Angeles who has used Bieber's youthful features as the inspiration for numerous surgeries, including face fillers, a chin reduction and eyelid surgery. Sheldon's obsession with his appearance began when he started having treatments to prevent his hair thinning at the age of 23, but really took off when a pre-pubescent Justin Bieber hit the big-time in 2008.'
Once Justin shot to fame his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, "I want to look like him,"' Sheldon says. Sheldon had already spent $8,000 on hair transplants to supplement his thinning blond locks, but he wasn't happy with the results
 He took a picture of Bieber to his plastic surgeon to demonstrate exactly how he wanted his hair to look. 'It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bangs,' he says.
More photos below...

.  In 2012, he spent $4,850 on eye surgery to lift his upper eyelids.
 Even after a total of $100,000 worth of plastic surgery to look like his baby-faced idol, Toby says he still hasn’t achieved his dream look. Sheldon proudly relates a story about being turned away from a liquor store recently because the staff didn't believe he is 33. Although Sheldon's similarity to his teen idol isn't immediately obvious even after spending $100,000 worth of surgical procedures, he says he does get mistaken for Bieber.

Popular in South Korea, smile surgery has doubled in the U.S. in the past year. 'When I first sought out to look like Justin I only paid attention to specific aspects of his boyish look like his hair and the structure of his face,' says Sheldon. 'But the more I started studying Justin and young people in general it’s really their smile that gives them their youthful glow. If you look closely, you’ll notice that when younger people just barely have their mouths open they naturally show their top teeth, giving them a sort of natural and effortless smile.' For $30,000 Sheldon's Beverly Hills plastic surgeon lifted his upper lip, turned out his bottom lip and turned up the corners of his mouth to give him a 'perma-smile.

Is this not total madness? He still doesn't look anywhere half like Justin Bieber

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