Wednesday, November 27, 2013

$129 Billion Fraudulently Transferred Out Of Nigeria In 10 Years- says EFCC Charman


This was just the ones discovered what about the ones undiscovered?. Fraud and looting from Nigerian Govt. and rich business tycoons has become a big daily activity while masses suffer to live on less than $2 per day. If this looted money were shared among every citizen, I think poverty might be reduced.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) recently disclosed that about $129 billion (N20.6 trillion) was fraudulently transferred out of Nigeria in the last ten years. Quite shocking.

 The Ibrahim Lamorde-led commission while quoting the Global Financial Integrity, based in Washington DC, cited some of the sources to include tax avoidance, corruption, tax evasions, illegal mining activities, drugs and human trafficking.
God help Our country!

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