Monday, November 25, 2013

Cheater!: Kim Kardashian Gives Out Only 10% Out Of 90% Of eBay Charity Sale To Philippines Typhoon Victims

If you don't have money to raise  for victims, why using them to make money for yourself?.
  A “selfish” and “greedy” Kim Kardashian has been accused of attempting to profiteer off the Philippines typhoon victims after it emerged that she’s keeping 90 percent of the profits from her much-lauded eBay charity sale to help those affected.

The 33-year-old reality star who earned $10 million this year alone  touted her “very special” charitable endeavor last week, writing on her website how a “portion of the proceeds… are going to International Medical Corps, a nonprofit organization that provides critical health services on remote islands where families are struggling to access medical care and basic resources like food, clean drinking water and vital medications.”

What Kardashian did not mention was that that “portion” was a measly 10 percent  a fact hidden in the fine print associated with the online sale of clothes and accessories from high end designers including Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and Prada.

 Fans are shocked and have accused her of orchestrating the auction as a shameless “publicity stunt.”

“Kim, I think what you’re doing is great but honestly only 10 percent?” one fan wrote on Kardashian’s blog, which has been inundated with an avalanche of criticism.

“Yes, I know it is still more than they would have but 90 percent is far more than is needed for over head expenses. I am a huge fan of you but this disappoints me.”

another supporter wrote :
 “Kim, I noticed your only giving 10% of the eBay sales to Philippines. Don’t you think it would be more helpful and less of a publicity stunt to give all 100 percent of the proceeds!”

Said a third, “If this is true, I feel you are using the victims of that disaster for your own personal gain.” They added: “It would seem that you can afford to sell off some of your used personal items, then donate the complete profit to these poor unfortunate victims instead of using them to profit yourself.”

Making matters even more perplexing is that Kardashian has a reported net worth of $40 million. Some fans even questioned whether Kim even paid for the merchandise herself or whether it was gifted to her.

“If this indeed is true, shame on you,” said another fan. “How can you even sleep at night? If this is indeed all facts, you would easily make the list of the top sleaziest profiteers in history. Using the poor victims of one of the most devastating natural disasters, to fatten your own pockets is unfathomable. It makes me sick to my stomach.”

The death toll from the typhoon, one of the strongest on record, rose above 5,000, Philippine officials said Friday.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

With all the money they claimed she has?, maybe saving up for more plastic surgery