Monday, November 25, 2013

Chinese And Nigerian Shop Owners Face Arrest In Zimbabwe

The Zibabwe government are threaten to close down and arrest Nigerians and Chinese shop owners if they do not hand over to locals.
According to Zimbabwe News
Chinese and Nigerian retailers who have flooded Zimbabwe in the last few years face arrest unless they shut up shop by the end of the year, a senior government official said Thursday.

Permanent secretary for the empowerment ministry, George Magosvongwe, told a Parliamentary committee that the government would enforce regulations which reserve certain sectors of the economy to Zimbabweans on January 1, 2014.
Under the country’s economic empowerment legislation, areas reserved for locals include retail and wholesale businesses, barbershops, hairdressings, beauty salons, bakeries, employment agencies and grain milling, among others. Said Magosvongwe:
“I confirm that some non-indigenous entities are still operating in the reserved sectors and there is a deadline for January 1 for them to comply with the requirement to relinguish their holdings in that sector. “You will realise Mr Chairman that 1 January is a month to come and we are putting in place measures for enforcement in the event that they do not comply.”

He said the ministry was preparing measures to ensure the exit of foreigners from the retail sector would not result in shortages. “There is need to ensure that we don’t create shortages in the economy, but certainly the ministry is going to enforce the reserved sectors rule,” he said. “And we will bring in the enforcement agencies from right across the Government departments and the local authorities to ensure that enforcement happens.”
The January 1, 2014 ultimatum was gazetted in May, making it mandatory for all locally and foreign-owned firms in reserved sectors to apply for indigenisation compliance certificates. Only locals will be given those certificates.

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