Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Herb Seller Gangs Up To Steal A Seven-Month Old Baby, Arrested In Akwa Ibom

The rate in which baby theft is growing world wide, it leaves me to wonder that even babies are no longer safe, last week  a woman in Aba was caught while returning stolen twins which the herbalist she took them to rejected them. But befor the News press could get to where she was arrested, the police reported she was gone. They claimed she was transfered to another police station. Will post more information onthat as soon as I get hold of more facts.
Back to the news....
A herb seller Ukat Aran, aka Dr. Job, was arrested by Akwa Ibom State police over the theft of a seven-month old baby boy  named Feargod Edemekong. According to the mother of the baby Mrs. Mfreke Edemekong, she said it all started on Tuesday  Ukat Aran came to sell some herbal medicines to her husband’s uncle, Mr. Effiong Akpan, a day before her child was stolen.
Then on Thursday around 5am, a four-man gang came into her house as police officers who came to arrest them for selling contraband items, she told them that they were farmers and do not sell hemps or know where such things are sold. But one of them hit her husband, Ekong Edemekong, on the cheek with the butt of his gun while two of the gang members entered their room, one stood outside with a gun ready to fire. The two members, who went inside the room, took Feargod, while pointing guns at her and her husband.

 As the men took her child away, they also forced her to escort them to the car. It was then that I saw that the driver was the herb seller who had called at their house the previous day to sell herbs to Akpan.
 The acting Police Public Relations Officer of the state command, ASP John Patrick, confirmed the incident. He said another yet-to-be identified suspect had been arrested, while the case had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department for further actions.
 “The case has been transferred to SCID for a thorough investigation. The SCID will do its best to ensure that those involved in the incidents are brought to book.”

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