Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Is Amber Rose Indirectly Dissing Kim Kardashian On Her Post-Baby Body?

I couldn't help love her more with this message she wrote on her instagram page.. The likes of Kim and other celebrities who makes people think that having a fat body immediately they give birth is a criminal offence.
Here is Amber Rose even after 9 months of giving birth still look normal with not so perfect flat tummy. It's not about been lazy to exercise but realizing that it's not all about you anymore, it's now an affair of two people, you need to feed well to feed the other body.
Read Amber's message below...

"I'm almost at my goal weight. Just 7 pounds to go! Absolutely no surgery just diet & exercise. Most celebs give u false hope when u have a baby ( My son was 9lbs) and in 3 months ur supposed to be skinny again..... It's not realistic in most cases. It takes 6 weeks to heal before u could even work out. Anyway, the moral of the story is losing baby weight the natural way takes longer but it's much healthier for ur body and helps u stay strong to carry another baby. So don't put ur life at risk for societies standards of when ur suppose to lose ur pregnancy weight. Take ur time & don't take the easy way out - Muva"

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