Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kanye West Compares Baby North West To Royalty

This guy don't just know when to stop talking!, I wonder how Kim put up with him since she is not more on the talking side. I guess it's a match for both.

If Kanye West is the king of the world, that makes his baby girl North West a little princess!.  After vowing that his and fiance Kim Kardashian‘s wedding will be even bigger than the royal wedding, Kanye is now comparing his daughter to royalty!

As usual, Kanye, 36, laid it on thick when he was asked about his five-month-old daughter in a new interview with Power 105‘s The Breakfast Club on Nov. 26. Kanye West 'Bound 2' “My daughter is in a position of a level of royalty like the prince and princess in London,” Kanye brags.

Kanye is likely referencing the royal baby, Prince George, especially since Kim was coincidentally pregnant at the same time as the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Prince George may be in line for the crown — but nobody puts baby North in a corner! Kim and Kanye are definitely American royalty, so we guess that makes Nori America’s very own royal baby!

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