Thursday, November 14, 2013

Meet Maria Butzki, A Woman Living With Her Husband And Lover In The Same Roof

Boomed on this old article from Mirror Onlineand thought I should share it.
It looks weird right? but it is true and both men live under same roof and she claims she loves them both and couldn't choose between them.

When mum-of-two Maria Butzki left her husband Paul for another man, she didn’t realise how much she’d miss him. At the same time, she couldn’t imagine living without her new lover Peter Gruman.
So when the two men struck up an extraordinary friendship, she came up with the perfect solution... and moved Peter into the family home in Barking, East London.

Now Maria, 33, Paul, 37, their two ­children, Laura, 16, and Amy, 12, and Peter, 36, live as one big happy family. “People might think it’s weird but I love both men and couldn’t choose between them,” says Maria, a ­housing liaison officer. “When I left Paul there was a huge hole in my life.

But the thought of never seeing Peter again was heartbreaking. So living with both men is the only way.” Incredibly, the men agree. Paul, a railway assessor, says: “Peter is a great guy. When Maria first had the affair with him I was just heartbroken. But as I got to know him, I realised we have so much in common.

We both adore fishing, and he’s like a surrogate dad to the kids.” Peter, a construction site manager, adds: “We all get on so well. It doesn’t feel as if I’m ­sharing Maria. There’s no ­jealousy feels as if we area team.” It was last year that they all moved in ­together after three years of ­Maria to-ing and fro-ing between her husband and lover. Peter sleeps on the sofa while Paul has a room ­upstairs. Maria shares a bedroom with her eldest daughter.

She says:
“The three of us never share a bed. Although I have a sexual relationship with each man, that side is kept very private. If Paul is out, then Peter and I might make love, and vice-versa. But both men turn a blind eye and we never discuss it with one another.” Maria was 15 when she and Paul met at school.
After dating for two years, she unexpectedly became pregnant. Paul proposed seven months into her term and a month later they ­married. Four years after the birth of Laura, Maria had their second daughter Amy. But in 2006 their marriage hit a rocky patch.
Maria says: “Paul was out of work for six months and it put a strain on our ­relationship. The stress led to less sex and we grew apart.
Although we carried on with life – cooking, cleaning, looking after the child­ren – we’d lost our intimacy.
The relationship was more brother and sister than a couple.” Around the same time a new manager, Peter, started at Maria’s workplace. “Someone introduced me to Peter and when we smiled at one another, I could feel the chemistry straight away,” she says. “Until that moment, I’d been happily married for 13 years to my childhood sweetheart and had never thought about being with another man.” Peter, who was also married at the time, recalls the same instant attraction. “It was like a bolt from the blue... love at first sight,” he says. Soon the pair were meeting secretly. “We’d meet at the local pub for lunch,” says Maria. “One day he put a hand on my leg and my whole body began trembling with desire.
I knew it was wrong but soon we were sleeping together.” Their affair carried on for a year before Paul stumbled on messages between them on Maria’s phone. She managed to convince him they were just friends. But a few months later her lover left his wife and moved from Luton, Beds, to be closer to Maria in Barking.
“I grew even closer to Peter,” says Maria. “Paul had to go away on business for a few weeks and so Peter took the children shopping, ­spoiling them rotten with gifts.” But on Valentine’s Day in 2010, Maria says she could no longer cope with the secrecy. “I began to feel more and more that my future lay with Peter,” she says. “So I confessed my affair to Paul, and moved out to stay with Peter.” Paul and the children were devastated.
He says: “I was just shocked and heartbroken. I couldn’t believe Maria had left me.” Over the next few months Paul and Maria took turns to have the children. “I felt bad about tearing the family apart,” says Maria. “So after work I’d go and clean and cook for Paul and the kids and then go home to Peter.”
Paul says: “While I was so upset, I decided to try to put the children first. It was going to be much better if we could all be mature adults and be amicable about it.


Anonymous said...

So these two men sleep with her in same house? End time

Anonymous said...

Haha, this cannot happen un nigeria. Nonsense!

Anonymous said...

So it is normal for a man to live wuth two women but not normal for a man to do the same?.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Good to know, just like in porn movies