Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pakistani Doctor Who Helped Find Bin Laden Charged With Murder Case

The Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA trace and find Osama Bin Laden has been charged for murder and fraud.

A case was made against him from a woman who said he killed her son. According to his attorney, Samiullah Afridi, the murder charges stem from Afridi’s attempt six years ago to save the life of a teen with appendicitis but things went wrong that lead to the death of the boy.

The woman also accused Afridi of fraud, saying he was not authorised to operate on her son because he was not a surgeon.

Shakil Afridi was charged in the case of the death of a teenaged boy who died after being operated on by Afridi in 2007.
Afridi was arrested after US troops killed Al Qaeda chief bin Laden in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad in May 2011.
Although his conspiracy sentence was overturned on charges that the official who sentenced him did not have the authority to decide the case and a new trial was ordered, the newly-filed murder charges ensure that if the retrial of his conspiracy conviction ends in an acquittal, the Pakistani doctor who found bin Laden will remain in jail to await trial on the murder charge, which is expected to take place in December.

Fox News

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