Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Britain Top Business Man Richard Branson Refuses To Do Business With Anti-Gay Uganda, Urges Boycott

Virgin CEO and noted whacky billionaire Richard Branson tweeted yesterday that he “wouldn’t do business in Uganda due to their dreadful anti-gay laws.”

Last week Uganda passed a law seeking to imprison gays for life, prompting Branson to write a  blog post urging other companies to boycott the East African nation as well.

The Virgin founder said Uganda must abandon the bill, which would make homosexuality punishable by up to life in prison, or find itself "ostracised by companies and tourists worldwide".

"I have been courted by various people and government officials to do business in Uganda. I was seriously considering it," Branson wrote on his website on Monday.

"However, the dreadful witch hunt against the gay community and lifetime sentences means it would be against my conscience to support this country.

"I would urge other companies worldwide to follow suit. Uganda must reconsider or find it being ostracised by companies and tourists worldwide."
He added:
"Governments must realise that people should be able to love whoever they want."

Gay rights activists have vowed to stop Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni from signing the bill into law. It sailed through the Ugandan parliament last week after a death penalty clause was dropped.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Who cares?