Monday, December 2, 2013

Catch The Full Gist Of Who Crashed Kate Henshaw's 12 Years Of Marriage

It's not 12 days marriage but 12 years of marriage was crashed down by a sales/secretary girl who works for Kate Henshaw's ex husband Roderick James Nuttal who’s the MD of Ledrop Nigeria Ltd (agents for Jack Daniels and Piper Hiedsieck).
According to National Enquirer:
After several investigations it was discovered that the said secretary is the main architect of the crashed marriage.

Her name, we can exclusively disclose is Angela Gordon, a twenty four years old pretty lady from the South South part of Nigeria. Angela according to our source is a staff at Mr. Nuttal’s company located at Ligali Ayorinde, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Kate Henshaw’s husband and Angela, according to the story, kicked off a secret romance which was fueled by Angela’s mum three years ago while Kate’s marriage with her husband was still intact until the actress got wind of their affair.

The news of the romance was brought to Kate’s notice by one of the aggrieved staff of her husband when it was obvious Angela was towing the part of a second wife.

The revelation, we learnt, resulted to Kate paying a surprise visit to her hubby’s office. “Aunty Kate stormed her husband’s office on this fateful evening unannounced and was shocked to find her husband with Angela in an uncompromising position and I also learnt that she had initially lied that she was on a movie set in Lekki before paying the surprised visit that ended their union”, the source revealed.

Serious argument ensued between the two ladies and Mr. Nuttal, it was gathered, had to confirm his affair with his secretary, Angela, to his wife who became perplexed immediately. The height of it was when Kate’s hubby gave her an option of either accept things as it were or bow out of the marriage if she can’t stand his relationship with Angela.

The outcome of the storm however was the official statement from the estranged couple later, announcing their separation without any concrete reason when it was obvious the marriage could not go on
According to reports, Angela now cruises a black Range Rover Sport and lives in a cozy 3-bedroom apartment around Lekki phase 1 courtesy of Kate’s husband.

In its facts finding mission, National Enquirer Magazine got in touch with Kate Henshaw and she said: “For Angela, I don’t have much to say on this but I know her, she’s one of the Sales girls, so thanks for getting in touch all the same.”

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

All these secetary and sales girls are so dangerous to keep around one's husband. The law of karma will surly visit her