Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"I am still looking for him (the right husband) -Tv Personality Adaora Oleh

Pretty and intelligent presenter Adaora Oleh in her inteview with City people Magazine opened up about why she is still single and her dreams of finding the right man (husband)...

"I am still looking for him. The thing is that when he comes, God will let me recognize that he is the man. You know what I mean? Sometimes you are faced with different guys, different challenges, sometimes making up your mind is not always easy. You don't know if that person is the best man for you, but I do pray that God gives me the wisdom to recognize the good man when he comes".


Jaunty said...

you must be intune wit God before he can reveal that man to you. I really love her diction!"

Anonymous said...

In as much I agree with her, sometimes waiting for the right man might mean waiting for the rich guy. -Mike