Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lol! Kim Kardashian Always Slammed By Fans, Say She Waxed Her Baby's Eyebrown

Lol!...When it comes to Kim Kardashian, fan must always find a way to slam her. First was with her pos -baby body, then her partying so much leaving baby North at home with nanny.
 Now again she got slammed after she posted a picture of baby North smiling with full eyebrown, many fans compared photos she posted two weeks earlier to her recent picture.

One fan, called Alexa Rebola, tweeted:
 'Kim K definitely waxed her baby's unibrow.'

And another, Katie Keegan, added:
'I swear the instagram pic Kim Kardashian just put up looks like her baby's eyebrows are filled in and waxed idc.'

Some even went as far as to say that Nori had better eyebrows than them, with Lauren Jrey tweeting:

'That awkward moment when Kim Kardashian's baby has a better eyebrow game than you.'

But Kim has denied of ever waxing her daughter's eyebrown.

Hello world! Kanye West shared the very first picture of the couple's baby on Kris Jenner's talk show back in August

Snug as a bug in a rug: Earlier this month, Kim shared a snap of North swaddled up in a baby blanket
Out for a stroll: Kim was spotted out with daughter North in Beverly Hills on Monday before she shared a snap of her little baby girl on Instagram

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