Monday, December 9, 2013

Would You Allow Your Child Sleep With Their Pets On Same Bed?

Theo's breed: The Shybas didn't know what breed Theo was when they adopted him last month, but have since learned that he is part Shar-Pei and German Shepherd Stylish toddler: Beau never disappoints with his nap time ensembles
This is the cutest photo I have ever come across. Although most parents will not find it nice having their kids sleep on same bed with their pet for so many reasons. But I see nothing wrong with it if you take good care of them, why not?. I find this pictures so interesting that I had to share it. Mrs Shyba says that the nap time routine started on the third day they had Theo. Theo was laying on Beau when the toddler was getting rocked for his afternoon nap and Theo passed out as well.

See more cute photos below...

 Great minds dress alike: Beau (right) and his puppy brother Theo continue to take naps together every day
Hogging the bed: Theo and Beau first started taking naps together three days after the Shyba family adopted the puppy in November
Snoozing: After that, Theo started sneaking into the bedroom at nap time to hop on the bed with Beau
Picture time: Mrs Shyba posts daily pictures of toddler-doggy nap time on Instagram
To each other we belong: Beau sports an appropriate shirt for nap time, considering his close bond with Theo
Side by side: The two can sleep for hours next to each other

Remarkable: Mrs Shyba says Theo and Beau's friendship is 'the most organic and beautiful relationship I have ever witnessed'

 Curled up: Growing boys need their sleep

 Cozying up: Since Theo and Beau's story went viral, Mrs Shyba has been overwhelmed with kind messages from across the world from people who have reacted to her pictures
Waking up: Theo and Beau are pals awake tooBeau and his baby: Beau pushes Theo around in a play carriage

                                    So Cute!!!

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