Full time mummy is not an occupation. It is merely a biological status.
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) January 27, 2014
38 years old Katie Hopkins has once again launched an attack on mothers - this time targeting the ones who chose to stay at home with their children over going to work.
Airing her views on Twitter yesterday, the self-styled 'social commentator' claimed being a full-time mother was 'merely a biological status', and certainly not a 'job'.She center her mock on mothers who chose not to work in favour of bringing up their children at home.
Do you agree with her her statement?..Well let's see people reaction on twitter over her statement below.
“@KTHopkins: Full time mummy is not an occupation. It is merely a biological status.” DO ME A FAVOUR! You'd have no idea!! Judgmental bitch
— Sarah Matthew (@MissRubyFatale) January 28, 2014
@MissRubyFatale @KTHopkins what is a full time mum.. I'm a full time dad..but i still work 40 plus hours a week
— Carl Aubrey (@AubCarl) January 28, 2014
@MissRubyFatale Is Katie off on one again? Full-time parents. Are we all those? I'm always my children's parent. That's a fact. @KTHopkins
— Spencer (@ADadCalledSpen) January 28, 2014
@KTHopkins I completely agree with this! Once again you're right. I hate to admit it but it's true.
— Jon Mann (@jon_mann) January 28, 2014
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