Monday, January 27, 2014

Ghanaian Couples Are Paying Over $3000 To Have Half Caste Kids

Hehe...Some mothers do have 'em...having a half caste baby is now the latest trend and lucrative business in Ghana. embracing our color and product of our race will very soon vanish and since Ghana has introduced this business I'm 80% sure Nigerians will soon be in the league. Very soon African will only be populated with half cast including bleachers club.

According to infoBoxx.;

In Ghana, they are regarded as hotcakes. Their complexion put them on a fairly higher pedestal, as they are the ones every guy or lady craves to date – the half-caste! But ever thought that a time will come for half-caste babies to be bred in Ghana?
Well, thanks to modern science, one can have a half-caste or mixed-race baby without necessarily having to marry or have sexual intercourse with a person of different race. Following in the steps of artificial insemination, a novel venture to create a new society –‘Half-caste World’- on the African continent is bourgeoning in Ghana’s capital, Accra.

 As ridiculous as it may seem, considering the fact that the word ‘half-caste’ denigrate one’s status in society, especially in Europe and the Americas, advocates of this enterprise believe the creation of this breed of people of bi-racial identity positions Africa for a better future.

“Half-caste World is founded to transform Africa into the land of riches and beauty, the land of every man’s dream. We believe life began in African and will end in Africa,” the advocates posted on their Facebook page.
The campaign is targeting both African couples and single women who are desirous of giving birth to half-caste babies the opportunity of a lifetime at a relatively affordable cost. Although the advocate of this campaign has not revealed his identity, investigations conducted by pointed to one Augustine N.K. Boateng, a graduate of “University Mohammed Premier”hotc in Morocco.

When contacted on a phone number provided on his newly created website, he declined to provide details on the procedure and the level of patronage, saying “I just started it and wouldn’t want to involve the media at this early stage”.

However, our investigation revealed he started operating about four months ago from Madina Estates in Accra.
 It was further revealed that Boateng provides gametes from almost all nationalities including the UK and the US at a cost of 3,000 US Dollars upwards, depending on the process and the individual’s request.

There are questions about how gametes are procured, the insemination procedure and even the regulatory regime. Boateng claims that the procedure to insert the “gametes can be done both in a clinic and at home.” The Half-caste babies entrepreneur prides himself of giving women and couples half-caste babies with “mental and physical beauty”.

 “A new world has began and it is like the tide, you either swim along or get left behind. You too can be a blessing for the next generation,” he posted on Facebook.

To Boateng, there is what he has termed “a vast racial gap between Africa and the rest of the world” which ought to be bridged through breeding of half-caste on the continent.

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