Friday, February 21, 2014

Janet Jackson Divorcing Billionaire Hubby?

Sorry for not posting much today but I am really down and I needed to stay off from computer according to doctor's order.
I'm so allergic to winter season(dry skin rash) but thought my medication would have prevented it re-occuring but guess it didn't work well, so I will be back with full blogging as soon as I get better. Thanks for understand.
Back to the gist...Janet Jackson's marriage is reported to be on the rocks after barely a year of marrying her billionaire husband Wissam Al Mana.
  According to Rumorfix
It's only been a couple of years since they tied the knot, but is Janet Jackson already filing for divorce against her husband Wissam Al Mana?! Reports hit the web on Wednesday that the once happily married singer is miserable and wants out of the marriage, but not before she gets a pretty penny out of it.

 “Janet Jackson’s marriage to super-wealthy Arab businessman Wissam Al Mana has collapsed, and a source says bitter divorce battle over his billion dollar fortune could be about to explode … She confided to a few close friends and (her mother) Katherine that she’s preparing to leave him.

And she’s begun calling friends at all hours crying and saying how miserable she is … Janet is getting set to challenge the prenup and demand a flat lump sum payout from his fortune,” one tabloid writes.
RumorFix reached out to a rep for the star for confirmation.

How true can this be?...Remember her movie "why did I get married" I hope it's not about to happen....
Considering her track record, quite possibly. Her past two marriages didn’t last long, but third time’s a charm, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?!

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