I'm not trying to sound harsh but any man who hurt innocent children, never deserve mercy. I think he got paid back in his own coin. A Brazilian teacher who turned himself in to police after raping and killing his one-year-old stepson was himself beaten and raped by inmates when he was booked into jail.
Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier admitted raping and killing his 20-month-old stepson. But before justice could be served legally, 20 jail inmates stabbed and gang raped Xavier in his jail cell. He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region. But upon his return to his jail cell, the furious inmates attacked him again. The prisoners ripped out the stitches in his rectum and raped him again. Blood stains are visible on the back of his shorts in photos released to the media by jail officials.See the horrible photo below...
At least he was alive after the rape but that little child he raped was never alive to see the light of the day.
1 comment :
What can I say, he got what he deserved. If only I was in his cell with him to have some fun myself. Though I don't like them too loose so it would have to be before the 20 other guys got to him.
I know I know that sounds sick to say, but you know what, a lot of guys who think like that would never do it to a woman or a child. We target pedophiles and victimizers, at least the majority of the guy's I've met when I did a couple of stints. Anyone who rapes a child or a person who in unable to defend themselves is a coward and only good for one thing. Getting the frustration out while in the cells.
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