Drama still continues as newly married Tchidi Chikere is not yet down on issues concerning his controversial marriage and his ex wife Sophia. Tchidi took to twitter to blast his ex-wife Sophia for claiming that she loved him and blaming his wife Nuella for breaking up her marriage. He called her the most terrible wife ever in life....
.He also shared photos of her with her boyfriend, blaming her for the cause of their crashed marriage. I just wish they could resolve this quietly for the sake of their children..See more tweets below....
This is heavy stuff.She had no justification to call nuella out.Talk about throwing rocks at your own shaky glass house.Ex wife is just bitter cos he got hitched first.Now that ex husband is spilling blood,her chances of finding lasting love, look remote and over ambitious. BTW,nice layout on this blog.First time here.
This is just a total shame to both of them. Tchidi those pictures were taken after your marriage had crashed and the main reason was all subjected to you dating Nuella behind her back. Although Sophia was wrong to flaunt photos of her and her boyfriend around, she should have considered her children, the media before posing with that Igbotic boy. You people should just grow up!
I agree with you,but would you repay a cheating husband by cheating? Must a wrong be retorted by another of equal measure? I was robbed means I must become a thief?
This shows the kind of weak man you are. How do you know if Nuella will not do same to you.? Going on Twitter to expose and curse the mother of your children was not necessary.
This is so wrong Tchidi no matter anything she is still the mother of ur lovely boys Plz stop spoiling her name
There is ho
Excuse for a Cheating wife.not in this lifetime.Shame though it happens
Chidi exuz me for saying this bt u're not mature yet u need to grow up
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