Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Discloses How He Killed Girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp

So who fires shots of gun without calling out on your babe to know where she was before firing gun and secondly why will your girlfriend lock the bathroom door if she wasn't scared of you?. I hope justice prevail for Reeva Steenkamp.
During yesterday's trial Oscar Pistorius broke down in court as he described the moment he shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a toilet door at his Pretoria home. He told the court that he was terrified when he heard noises from the toilet thinking an intruder had entered the house and before he knew what was happening he fired shots of gun.

He told the court: He had got up from bed to bring in some fans he had left outside, in order to cool his bedroom. When he heard a window opening in the bathroom, he said, he thought there was a burglar trying to get in. Wanting to protect Ms Steenkamp, who was not sleeping, he had gone to get his gun in the dark. Before I knew it, I whispered to Reeva to get down and phone the police...keep reading

He said he then went into the passage without his prosthetic legs and, overcome with fear, started screaming, and shouted for Ms Steenkamp to get to the floor. The toilet door slammed, reconfirming his belief there was a person or people in the bathroom, the athlete said.

I heard a noise from inside the toilet, what I perceived to be someone coming out of the toilet,” he said tearfully.I had my pistol in my right hand and peered into the bathroom.I didn't have much mobility on the tiles. I had my pistol raised to the corner of the entrance of the bathroom. I noticed that the bathroom window was open. I was with my back against the wall. I wasn't sure if the intruders were in the toilet or around the corner at that point. Then I heard a noise from inside the toilet that I perceived to be someone coming out of the toilet. Before I knew it I had fired four shots at the door. My ears were still ringing - I couldn't hear anything - so I kept shouting for Reeva to phone the police."

After the shooting, Mr Pistorius said he had smashed in a door panel to get into the toilet, where he discovered what he had done.
When I didn't hear anything from Reeva, I panicked. I didn't want to believe it could be Reeva inside the toilet. . I didn't know what to do. I kicked the door. I was crying out, I was screaming. I used my cricket bat to smash down the toilet door and found Reeva. I have never screamed like that. 'I said "Oh, Reeva". I sat over her and cried." 

As the athlete broke down, the judge adjourned the trial....This guy is such a good story teller!.

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