Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Toy Story: Pictures Of Children From Around The World With Their Favorite Toys - And What It Says About Their Countries

3 years old Maudy from Zambia
Italian photographer Gabriele Galimbertihas spent over a year visiting more than 50 countries to take the pictures of children from around the world with their favourite toys.
 He stated that from majority statistics, toys displayed by these children says so much about the country they come from. See more photos below....

4 year old Chiwa from Malawi

3 years old Enea from Colorado

3 years old Julius from Switzerland 

3 years old Naya from Costa Rica

5 years old Pavel from Ukraine

5 years old Niko from Alaska

3 years old Tyra from Sweden

5 years old Mikkel from Norway

4 years old Taha from Lebanon

6 years old Lauren from Canada

5 years old Shotaro from Japan

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