Saturday, April 26, 2014

Video Gone Viral: Mother Caught On Video Beating Her 12 Years Old Daughter For Posting Semi-Nude Photos On Facebook

A Caribbean  mother Helen Bartlett,was captured on Facebook video whipping her daughter, 12, with a belt for posing semi-nude on Facebook. The clip has gone viral on social media since Sunday and sparked a lot of public debate.

What sparked the brutal beating last Sunday in the Bartletts’ apartment was a salacious text message exchange between the 12-year-old girl and a boy her age, who was trying to convince her to have sex with him.
The single mother of four, after reading the text message sent to her daughter, went further to access her underage daughter's Facebook profile and discovered photos of the girl posing 'seductively' in her underwear.

Helen Bartlett explained that while her child is pretty and intelligent, she has a low self-esteem and is susceptible to peer pressure. Her worst fear is that if the 12-year-old continues down this road, one day she is either going to come home pregnant, or will end up dead on the streets.
Ms Bartlett explained that the father of her daughter has been of no help, telling the girl that he wanted nothing to do with her and she does not regret her actions even if it means going to jail. Watch clip below...

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