Monday, April 21, 2014

'When you hear the word Africa,what comes to mind; 'starving children, poverty, HIV, Mugabe - Mosunmola Abudu,

Mother-of-two and Chief Executive Officer of EbonyLife TV, Mo Abudu during her interview on CNN Leading Women programme in London, talked about different diversity on how she all started her Ebony Life TV, and how she puts it down to a "deep-seated passion to tell Africa's story. She said:

 "A couple of years ago I stood there with a microphone, and just randomly stopped people in the street," explained Abudu.
"I said: 'When you hear the word Africa, what comes to mind?'" "I heard 'starving children, poverty, HIV, Mugabe.' I heard 'babies with flies on their faces.' And my next question was: 'Why do you think this of Africa?'
 And the response was: 'It's what I read in the newspapers, it's what I see on television.' Because that's the popular notion of Africa."
So true about what she said, most reaction people make about Africans are what they read from the newspaper.

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