Saturday, May 3, 2014

OMG!...CCTV Camera Captures A Ghost Knocking A Man Down And Dragged Him On The Floor Of The Corridor

 The minute-long clip, which emerged online, shows footage of unknown provenance shot on a CCTV camera which captures a hoodie-wearing gentleman striding along a deserted corridor. The clip is silent, presumably since the surveillance camera on which it was shot has no microphone.

As the man reaches the end of the corridor a forbidding shadow-like apparition shows out from nowhere. . His previous confidence evaporates as he is knocked to the ground by the spectral assailant. Before he can react, it snatches hold of his left leg, dragging him along on his back.
The victim of the supernatural attack, whose identity is not known, must have thought his days were numbered. The man quickly scrambling to his feet, flees in the very direction he has just come from. Watch clip below...