Tuesday, June 3, 2014

R.Kelly’s Daughter Jaya Identifies As A “Transguy” On Her Social Media Page

R.Kelly’s daughter Jaya identifies herself as a “transguy” on her social media page. A transguy is a biological girl who has all and exhibit boys qualities. As in the case of Jaya, R-kelly's daughter, she dresses like a guy, act like a guy around her peers.
 Her mom who is an ex-hollywood reality star seem to be fine with the condition but maybe not with her dad R-kelly since he's not that active in Jay's life.
 The teenager follows in the footsteps of other celebrity kids who suffer from gender disorders, such as Cher’s daughter Chaz Bono, 45, a transgender male who now dates a cross dressing man. If Jay plans to undergo a sex change she will have a difficult time finding a doctor willing to perform the surgery.
Jaya with her mum

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