Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Teachings: Overcoming Spirit Of Jealousy

Happy Sunday to everyone and hope your service today with Lord was great?..I couldn't attend one today because I can hardly find any English speaking church around where I'm staying.  My topic today is Overcoming spirit of jealousy. In this lesson you will learn about the root of jealousy and how jealousy can destroy you.
You will learn about identifying the seed of jealousy and to understand the power of jealousy. We will look at what the Bible says about it and how to overcome its effects. But I will take them bit by bit so it don't get too long to read and understand.

With Jealousy, nothing is what it appears to be. Jealousy, a very destructive force that has destroyed many lives, marriages and friendships. It's been around since the fall of mankind and has plagued man ever since. Jealousy has fueled the rage of hatred that no man can control. It is a powerful force that only God can tame.
Jealousy, hatred and rage all work hand in hand and together it can kill and destroy. It has the tendency to consume its host.
One of the main cause of jealousy is "insecurity". Many people that are insecure about themselves are people that have jealousy towards others.

Being jealous about your spouse flirting with the opposite sex and a spouse talking to the person of the opposite sex are two different things. Turn to Proverbs 6:34 - "For jealousy is a husband's fury; Therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance."
Keep in mind that this scripture can in turn be reversed and saying; " For jealousy is a wife's fury..." Notice the word "fury". In the dictionary the word "fury" means violent anger; rage.
 What is rage? Again, the dictionary mentioned "rage" as a violent, explosive anger. In other words, uncontrollable anger that can make a man or women do crazy things, even kill someone.


 Where does this jealousy came from? Turn to Genesis 4:4-8; "while Abel brought several choice lambs from the best of his flock. The LORD accepted Abel and his offering, (v5) but he did not accept Cain and his offering. This made Cain very angry and dejected.

 (v6) "Why are you so angry?" the LORD asked him. "Why do you look so dejected?
 (v7) You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out! Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, and you must subdue it."
(v8) Later Cain suggested to his brother, Abel, "Let's go out into the fields."
And while they were there, Cain attacked and killed his brother". Cain killed Abel because he was envious and jealous of him because God honored Abel's offering and not Cain's offering. What Cain did was also the first murder recorded in the Bible. Why did God favored Abel's offering and not Cain's offering? God wasn't looking at what their offering was. God was looking at the attitude of their hearts. What was the attitude of their hearts? Well, Cain was competing with his brother to gain favor in the eyes of the Lord. His heart was focused on competing against his brother Abel. Cain put competition first instead of the Lord. However, Abel's heart was focused on pleasing the Lord and not competing against his brother. Abel put God First and that is why the Lord honored Abel's offering and not Cain's offering.

Next week we talk about spiritual issues and controlling jealousy. Be Blessed

Meanwhile, here are other verses of the bible on the topic:
  • Ecclesiastes 4:4 Again, I considered all travail, and every right work, that for this a man is envied of his neighbour. This is also vanity and vexation of spirit.
  • Galatians 5:26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
  • 1 Timothy 6:4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings.

2 comments : said...

Hmmm...yes is true

Anonymous said...

jealousy is a big disease. Thanks for this teaching