Thursday, July 10, 2014

Son Of Brazilian Legend Pele Starts 33-year Jail Term For Money Laundering

The son of Brazilian legend Pele has begun a 33-year jail sentence for money laundering from drug trafficking, according to Brazilian reports.
Edinho, full name Edson Cholbi Nascimento, who once played in goal for his father's former club Santos, has been handed over to the authorities just over a month after being sentenced, a spokeswoman for Brazil's secretariat for public safety told AFP.

Edinho was found to have had links with a drug cartel led by Ronaldo "Naldinho" Duarte Barsotti. He admitted buying drugs from the cartel but denied working with the network.

 The 43 year old had been released on bail while he appealed the sentence in a case that is the latest blow to the image of a nation still in collective shock at the 7-1 World Cup semi-final humiliation at the hands of Germany.
The charges, which date from 2005, could explain why Pele, Brazil's best-loved sporting figure, has been conspicuous by a lack of public appearances during the World Cup. Before the tournament Pele denounced organisers for the spate of delays.
"There has been significant time to get the stadiums finished. The situation is unacceptable - it is a disgrace," he said.


Immanuel said...


Anonymous said...

No one is above the law

Unknown said...

the sin you do, lives with you oh! not after!