Saturday, July 12, 2014

Video: Fake Prophet Who Went To Ada To Bring Drowned Castro Back Nearly Got Drowned In The River

Mallam in the canoe to go get Castro
I just haven't recovered from laughing after reading this story and watching the clip on Youtube. Ghanaians have really turned this incident into a laughing matter. A Ghanaian mallam(prophet)claimed that “has seen Castro and he is alive”—and he had spiritual powers to go and bring their bodies back from the Ada river. But instead of bringing back Castro and his female companion back, he nearly got drown and was shouting for help....Hmmm,fake prophet. They should have allow him taste like 5litres of water before picking him up, next time he will never play with such. Do they think this is funny?.

After all the public noise, TV3 followed Mallam Eliasu to Ada to see what he can do. After he started chanting and throwing out some of his ‘confused words’, the mallam jumped into the water—still chanting. And then things changed, he started drowning and he if not for the people who quickly saved him by pulling him into the canoe, he would have been gone.


Anonymous said...

Lol@ 5liters of water

Anonymous said...

The man just took his 15mins of fame.