Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rwanda Introduces Ebola Screening For Travelers From US, Spain

In a turning of tables on Ebola monitoring, the East African nation of Rwanda is screening all visitors from the United States and Spain for the deadly virus. The U.S. Embassy in Rwanda posted the following notice on its website today.

 "On October 19, the Rwandan Ministry of Health introduced new Ebola Virus Disease screening requirements. Visitors who have been in the United States or Spain during the last 22 days are now required to report their medical condition -- regardless of whether they are experiencing symptoms of Ebola -- by telephone by dialing 114 between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the duration of their visit to Rwanda (if less than 21 days), or for the first 21 days of their visit to Rwanda.
 Rwandan authorities continue to deny entry to visitors who traveled to Guinea, Liberia, Senegal, or Sierra Leone within the past 22 days." The incubation period of Ebola is generally accepted by health officials as 21 days.

Meanwhile the U. S Homeland Security officials have announced that passengers are flying from Liberia to US, you are advised to land in any of five U.S airports that have been fully equipped with Ebola screening and additional resources in place: New York’s JFK, Newark, Dulles, Atlanta and Chicago,

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Turn by turn, now do we ban America flights to Africa?.