Monday, January 26, 2015

Angry Girlfriend Post Boyfriend's HIV Positive Result Online To Warn Other Girls Of His Status

This was kind of complicated until I read the full story.... Last weekend this news of a New York man who revealed his HIV positive status online while still engaged in sexual intercourse without protection went viral. Despite his conciseness of his status, he continued sleeping around with girls without protection. Now he is calling on every girl who he slept without protection to go and be tested.  The post caused so much outrage on social media while some people were threatening to call the police on him. ....Keep reading

The medical result posted on IG

Meanwhile, the man has come around to deny knowledge of the post and his status, he said the post was made up by his ex-gf who wanted revenge on him. He said she took photo of him while he was in medical care, then forged a medical  result to make it look real.  To prove his real status he took an at home HIV test on camera to prove it.The result came out negative. To still prove he is HIV negative he wants to go for a lab test and promise to show the result online....Lol, guys, if this should happen to you, what will you do to your ex-gf?... Hit her, report her to the police or revenge on her?....
Watch clip below....


Anonymous said...

Lol, that babe is mean~Jady

Oge chukwura said...

That gal need to be deal with

Unknown said...

i will revenge back on her.

Anonymous said...
