Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eight Years Old Fatima Mangre Become The Youngest Person Ever To Be Divorced In India After Been Married Off At Aged Four.

Fatima Mangre
Fatima Mangre was given away by her father Anil, in an arranged a marriage with 10-year-old Arjun Bakridi. However when the boy arrived four years later to take his new bride away, Anil said he wanted the girl to wait until she was 18 before leaving. Arjun's father Dipak was unhappy with the decision, and an argument broke out after which Anil filed for divorce.

The state government of India's has called for an inquiry into the incident that happened last week at Nakhi village in the Shravasti district of India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh. It ordered the probe after the New Delhi-based National Commission for Women (NCW) member Nirmala Samant sent a letter, demanding details of the divorce and threatening action against the parents of the girl and the boy.
Meanwhile Nirmala was so furious about the action the girl's father took by giving out his young daughter at that age. She said:
 'This is a scandal, we need more details before taking action. The girl's father must answer why he married her off at four years old and the boy's father must answer why he agreed to such a marriage and then went to demand the girl when she is barely eight years old. 'This is insensitive, controversial and objectionable,'

However Fatima's father has already written to NCW, saying he should be pardoned because he stopped his daughter from being taken away by her in-laws.

'I have already admitted my mistake. Social pressures are high in our village. But the marriage has been annulled. I have admitted it was wrong to marry her off so early,' he said in a handwritten note. He added: 'I now want to make things right. I want to give my daughter a good childhood. I will do everything to protect her.' Mr Bakridi has gone into hiding following the altercation.

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