Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Do You Know That Six Out Of Ten Married Couples, Will Stay Even If Their Partner Is Caught Cheating?

Nobody loves a cheating partner but the truth is no matter how a leopard skin is washed, you can never remove its spot.

While we may assume that anyone who caught their partner cheating would give them the boot, new research shows this not to be the case.
More than six in ten married women admit that even if they did catch their love playing away they wouldn’t leave them.
Women were most likely to be prompted to start checking up on their husband after a change in his behaviour, while many said their ‘women’s intuition’ made them suspicions.

While men were most likely to get suspicious if their wife was ‘distant’ and less interested in sex. But despite the sneaking around, more than half of those polled admitted that they hadn’t found anything conclusive and that constantly checking up on their partner had impacted their health.

Many reported that they had anxiety and trouble sleeping and 17% said that their suspicions that they were being lied to had led them to overeat and gain weight.

Thirty two per cent said that the lack of trust in their relationship had knocked their confidence and seventy per cent said they kept their fears about their partner’s fidelity to themselves.

One in five admitted they had become ‘paranoid’ and many reported that suspicions about their partner made them depressed and impacted their general health and wellbeing.

Although a fifth said they knew that checking up on their partner was wrong, 17 per cent said it gave them peace of mind.

Kaleel Anwar said: 'In my experience with clients, once that trust is gone, suspicion and paranoia can take hold very quickly. 'Repeated instances of being let down and disappointed by unfaithful partners leads to an unhealthy state of mind, leading to a situation where one of the parties must end the relationship and divorce is, unfortunately more often than not, inevitable in these circumstances.
 'I am often dealing with cases where lack of trust has lead to an intolerable level of obsessive control, which has ultimately and sadly led to divorce.'

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