Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Day Of The Year, Where Will You Be Tonight

Today is the last day of the year 2013 and as usual many are already jotting down another new year resolutions.
Many will be in the church to spend the night with God, some in the club drinking and passing away time, some  with friends and family and some alone at home watching fireworks as the new year comes in.
So which of these catergories do you fall in?, you can share with us.


Unknown said...

I will be with my family, counting as the new year comes in.

Anonymous said...

i'm going clubbing tonight at rumours. Happy new everyone

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous writer, so clubbing has kept you alive in 2013?, is that you don't have other place to be?

Anonymous said...

Infact i am on my way to my family house to celebrate the new year with them. Happy new year Kamify