Friday, April 4, 2014

How Come?..Man Use His Girlfriend's Passport To Travel, Beating All Security Check Points!

If it was in African, we say "Jazz" at work...Airport authorities need to buckle up about security, how could they not have detected a man from a woman?....Neil Clulow, 50, was able to fly to Spain with girlfriend's passport and yet beat all security points without being notified or caught. Although he said it wasn't intentionally.
Neil Clulow, who was traveling down to celebrate 50th birthday in Benidorm where he was staying with friends, he grabbed his partner Karen Clift's travel documents without noticing the mistake when he left for his flight to Alicante from Birmingham Airport.
 Because he was only traveling with hand luggage, Neil only had to show his boarding pass to get through airport security.

He had breakfast at the airport, and then flashed his passport to a Monarch Airlines member of staff at the gate and boarded the plane. And after the two-and-three-quarter hour flight, he successfully breezed through passport control at Alicante Airport without a word from the Spanish authorities.

He only realised his mistake at Benidom when he and his friends were comparing passport pictures and he discovered he had used his partner's documents. Neil, who is bald and has a goatee, said he was astonished authorities had failed to pick up on the mistake even though his girlfriend, also 50, has long, blonde hair. 

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