Friday, September 19, 2014

Moment When Airline Passengers Started Selfie Thinking They Were About To Die After Plane's Engine Exploded

If you were in their position, what will you do??? ..It was a dramatic moment when passengers in JetBlue flight traveling from California to Texas started taking selfies and filming themselves thinking they were about to die after the Plane's engine shut down and filled the cabin with smoke.
While some  passengers tired to remain calm in await for their death, a man wearing an oxygen mask who  filmed the dramatic scene was seen giving a goodbye wave as he turned his camera towards himself.

Twilight actor Jackson Rathbone, was one of the passengers on board. He documented the harrowing ordeal in a series of tweets and photos.
The flight made an emergency landing in Los Angeles and all passengers were evacuated safely.  Watch clip below...

 Watch video.....

Second video shows when the flight landed, the passenders all clapped and breath sign of relief....


Anonymous said...

These white people and pictures~Jady

Oge chukwura said...

At point of death they r taking pictures hahahhahahhahahha but thank God