Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do You Know That Your Seat Position In The Cinema, Could Reflect Your Personality?

Normally when I go to watch movies in the cinema I always choose the back corner and guess what? this article is so right about my personality at that time. I love to catch and disturb couples making out, infact cinema is the best place to watch adult movie if you sit at the back corner seat...Hehehe bad me!. Now read more to know how your seat position reflects you.

According to psychologist Hiromi Mizuki, the inner workings of a person’s heart and mind can affect their choice of cinema seat. Mizuki believes that those who choose a seat in the centre of the cinema directly in front of the screen are confident and decisive.

People who love sociable activity and being around others select a seat on the front row with the screen directly in front of them. ‘Because these seats fill your whole field of vision with the screen, people who choose these seats have a desire to be constantly connected with others.

If you prefer sitting in the middle row with the screen slightly off-centre, you crave personal space and apparently only gravitate towards people you feel you can be yourself around.

This part is where I belong.... Holing yourself away in one of the cinema’s back corners means you’re the kind of person who wants to know everything that’s going on but don’t have the confidence to get involved yourself, argues Mizuki.

If sitting in a front corner is more your style, you’re the kind of person who accepts being inconvenienced, and Mizuki warns that people may take advantage of your weakness.

So which position of seat is your favorite or will be your favorite because I know some of you will start to change positions after reading this but please if you choose the back corner seat, look with caution!

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