Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Help!: My Married Girlfriend Wants To Have A Baby For Her Ex Boyfriend

The reason why I decided to bring his issue on my blog is because I know most women fall into this category and this is why the rate of divorce is high these days. This is a true story from a friend of mine, although she didn't want me to publish the story with her name or people involved  so the names I used here are not real names only the story is true.

Zimora has been married to her husband Victor since 2006 but to her the marriage was not her dream world because she only married out of frustration from heartbreak. Not that she was too old to rush into marriage but she taught agreeing to marry someone else could heal her broken heart.( so wrong)
Each time she tries to give her husband love and attention she finds herself still loving her ex.
Thinking having a child could resolve the problem, Zimora gave birth to a baby boy but she was wrong cos that was when the whole problem started, her ex boyfriend was her first love and they dated since she was in secondary school until things went sour. She caught him with another girl and that lead to their break up but still to Zimora the relationship was an unfinished business.

Each time she looks into her husband's eyes, all she sees is hatred on him for no reason. sometimes Victor goes out of his way to please his wife but deep down in her heart she knew the problem was not her husband but she is still in love with Rex her ex boyfriend  and it torments her so much.
Zimora decided to go for counseling but it didn't work, she tried prayers still the feelings were the same she decided to confront her ex boyfriend about her feelings and there the whole problem exploded!  
After 6 months of searching for him she got his contact found out that Rex was still single.
They picked a date at a  restaurant and the fact that Zimora hasn't seen her ex boyfriend for long she dressed to kill.
To cut long story short, instead of the meeting to help build her marriage up, it shattered her home more. She could no longer see herself making love with her husband without placing her ex boyfriend's face on Victor before she could reach her climax. Sometimes she could stay months without sleeping with her husband. Even Victor knew something was wrong with his wife but for the fear of losing her, made him play things her way just for peace to reign, but instead things got worst everyday.
Last time she disclosed to me that Rex wants her to have a child for him. I was so mad that I asked her to walk away from her marriage in order not to commit such abomination.  Her husband on the other hand said he will commit suicide if she ever leaves him.
I don't know what kind of love is this becos there is a child involved in this whole Saga.
Rex knows that Zimora is married with a child and still wants to have her back to him , Victor knows his wife is having an affair outside her home but still wants his wife to him. Zimora on the other is caught in between three men, Victor, Rex and her son.
Now over to you Kamify's reader, what advice do you give in such situation?. Should she stay and continue cheating on her husband or walk away and let victor commit suicide?
Huh! tough question I guess.


Anonymous said...

This is so touching because it is happening everyday, I think they both need to go for counseling and as for her ex bf he needs to get a life and move on. There are many single ladies out there that needs a man

Anonymous said...

They are all bunch of stupif people, abeg divorce the woman, what kind of love is that? Commit suicide for a woman. God forbid!