Friday, October 11, 2013

‘You Disgrace Your Profession’: Gloria Allred SLAMS Kanye West After Late-Night TV Paparazzi Rant

Another slam on Kanye West after his interview with Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday night.
During the interview Kanye made it clear he will keep attacking any paparazzi in Los Angeles despite his case in court over  assaulting a photographer in Los Angeles International Airport though the case is still pending until November 7.

  Hollywood attorney Gloria Allred did not take those words lightly from Kanye. Check out the report from Radar online:

Allred  the civil rights lawyer is representing video photographer Danny Ramos, who has sued West alleging assault, battery, negligence and violation of civil rights.

Speaking to in the wake of the late-night interview, Allred said:

“Mr. West made it clear that he thinks that he has the right to attack anyone that antagonizes him by asking him a question that he does not like. He thinks that paparazzi are fair game.
“In his televised appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show he sent a message that anyone that crosses him is not safe and that no one should forget that he is from Chicago. “We have a message to you Mr. West in response. You will be held accountable for your actions both in the criminal justice system and in the civil justice system.
“Your remarks are shameful and add further insult to the injuries that you inflicted upon my client.”

She added: “You say that you bring ‘joy to the world’. I say you disgrace your profession and bring shame to your hometown of Chicago when you make reference to being from Chicago as some sort of threat.”

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