Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can You Marry Your Partner On Their Sick if You Know They Had An incurable Bowel Cancer?

Ceremony: Felix Glenny married Cola Glenny in a ceremony at Medway Maritime Hospital yesterday

Not many of us can be brave to do what this 22 years old Cola Glenny did by marrying her 23 years old boyfriend Felix Glenny who was diagonised with an incurable bowel cancer.

felix was admitted to hospital in November after suffering for several weeks with what he thought at first were stomach cramps. But after being admitted to hospital on 11 November, doctors found a large tumour in his bowels.
Although they were able to remove it, further tests showed that the cancer had spread and Felix had only weeks to live. After finding out last week that the cancer is terminal, Felix and Cola decided to marry as soon as possible, and invited their friends and family to a ceremony conducted by the hospital chaplain yesterday.

Felix, who is also known as Ryan, met through mutual friends in Lower Stoke, Kent, in August 2010. They quickly fell for one another and within a year the couple had moved in together and Cola was pregnant with her first child, Ralph.
Cola, a hairdresser, and Felix, who works for a water supply company, lived happily together for two years and had a second child, Pearl, who is now four months old.
See more photos below...
Cola and Felix kiss at their weddingUp: Felix was able to leave his hospital bed briefly, and could cut a cake in front of family members
Proud father: Felix before he was hospitalised, holding his son Ralph, left, and baby daughter Pearl

Young love: Felix and Cola met in 2010 and have two children together, Ralph, aged two, and Pearl, four months

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