Friday, January 10, 2014

Indian Diplomat Asked To Leave Unites States Over Paying Housekeeper $3.31 Per Hour

Mrs Devyani Khobragade has been asked to leave the States over poor payment made to her housekeeper.

Devyani Khobragade allegedly paid the woman a paltry $3.31 an hour despite claiming the housekeeper would make $9.75 an hour during her visa application. The feds asked Devyani Khobragade to scram in a move that may put to rest weeks of saber-rattling by the Indian government.The India diplomate left United States on Thursday.
The maid, Sangeeta Richard, will stay in the U.S. for now under a temporary immigration status reserved for victims of human trafficking, her lawyers said.
 “I would like to tell other domestic workers who are suffering as I did — you have rights and do not let anyone exploit you,” Richard, 42, said in a statement.
 Khobragade claimed immunity immediately following her arrest but she needed the Indian government to transfer her from its New York consulate to its United Nations mission to secure the status that let her walk free Thursday. The U.S. asked Indian officials to waive Khobragade’s immunity but they refused, so Khobragade got the boot.
This woman is so wicked!, $3.31 per hours? this is inhuman but come to think of it some Nigerians receive less than this, isn't it?. And if I may ask what is the minimum wage salary for an average Nigerian?. We will like to know.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

with all the money she is making, she only pays 3 dollars per hour? can she take such money to work in her postion?. Too heartless!