Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Teaching 3: God's Will To Heal And Answer Even When Prayer Fails

Just because you pray for something, and nothing happens, does not mean it is God's will for nothing to happen.

There are so many times, we get discouraged from God just because he " failed" to answer our prayers forgetting that God has already programmed our destiny.
I'm gonna give you testimony about my very self. I had always dreamed of traveling abroad since I was young, knowing the fact that my chances of traveling were very slim. I kept on praying and fasting about it but it never came through.
I even paid people to help me get visa to travel but each time I try it fails and I lose my money. At a time I gave up on traveling and decided to build my life in Nigeria. But that was when my miracle came up, I got called from an organization I applied for a job that my CV was chosen to work abroad, and all expenses including my visa fees were all paid for.
You can imagine, what I have paid for to get, God gave it to me free of charge at his own appointed time. It was the power of not giving up on God and having faith in him.

The Bible tells us that God's people (not the world, but the Children of God) are destroyed (Satan is stealing, killing, and destroying them - see John 10:10) by lack of knowledge (see Hosea 4:6). Somehow, the church today thinks that if we just launch a few prayers to heaven, that the will of God will be done... completely ignoring the whole idea of how a lack of knowledge can destroy the children of the kingdom!

Let me ask you this: if your car didn't start on Sunday morning (a very important prayer service that you didn't want to miss for the world), and you prayed and asked God to transport you in the Spirit to church on Sunday morning, but He didn't do it, would you dare say that it wasn't God's will for you to be in church that morning? Many of us might say that the devil hindered us, as Paul was hindered by Satan (see 1 Thessalonians 2:18).
Why don't we apply this principal to healing prayers that failed? Why is it so quickly God's will for somebody to be sick, just because a prayer for healing isn't answered? What if you prayed and prayed for a loved one to get saved, and they died cursing God and went to hell? Would we dare say that it was God's will for that person to go to hell, just because our prayers were not answered?.

Dear friends, let's not keep grumbling over unanswered prayers because God's thought for his children are of good not bad. Remember faith conquers all, it keeps you strong and never give up on God.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I realu love this n hop to see more pls keep t up.